HERMAN C. SHUPTRINE. No name is more prominent in pharmaceutical affairs in Georgia than that of Shuptrine, the family, father and son, having been identified with this profession for a great many years. In addition to their prestige as good business men and exceptionally skilled druggists, the Shuptrines are public-spirited and of unswerving principles and none is more worthy of representation in a volume of this nature.
Herman C. Shuptrine, prominent Savannah druggist and president of the National Association of Retail Druggists, was born in this city, the son of the late James Thaddeus Shuptrine, and of his wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Newton. Of the former, whose much lamented demise occurred on August 15, 1911, more will be told in succeeding paragraphs. Herman C. was born in 1877, and here was reared and for the most part educated, his preliminary education being secured in the public schools of the city, after which he matriculated in Emory College, Georgia. Before he became of age, he entered his father's store and he has been connected with it ever since, becoming a skillful pharmacist and thoroughly skilled in merchandising methods. Since his father's death he has been president of the Shuptrine Company, which had been incorporated by his father. He is one of the prominent young business men of Savannah, aggressive and enterprising, of the type which is aiding in the upbuilding of the city. He is active in the many-sided life of the city and is a member of Ancient Landmark lodge of Masons and a former member of the Savannah Cadets.
In September, 1911, Mr. Shuptrine was elected president of the National Association of Retail Druggists, at the thirteenth annual convention of that body, held at Niagara Falls. He is probably the youngest druggist who has ever been at the head of the organization, of which over 17,000 druggists are members. This conspicuous honor came to him quite unsolicited, his election having been brought about through the influence of his wide circle of friends in the association, and it was a source of commendable gratification not only to himself, but to the druggists and citizens generally of his home city, Savannah. In 1907 he was elected a member of the Georgia board of pharmacy for a term of five years, and in 1912, re-elected to the same office, and is a member of the board of education of the city of Savannah. It is an eloquent commentary upon his ability and the respect and confidence in which he is held.
Mr. Shuptrine was married in Savannah on the 8th day of June, 1898, the young woman to become his wife and the mistress of his household being Miss Alice Elizabeth Vendeveer, who was born in this city. They share their attractive home with a son and a daughter, namely: James T. and Sarah.
James Thaddeus Shuptrine, father of the foregoing, was the second oldest druggist in Savannah and one of the Forest city's most highly esteemed citizens. He was a native Georgian, his life record having begun in Effingham county, on October 15, 1850. His parents were D. C. and Caroline (Newton) Shuptrine. He passed the early years of his life in his native county and received the education accorded to the usual youth of his day and generation. Immediately upon reaching manhood he became identified with the drug business and he continued in this field of endeavor until the time of his death. It is speaking with all due conservatism, to say that he was one of the most widely known druggists in all the length and breadth of the state.
He had spent the greater part of his life in this city, having taken up his residence here at the age of nineteen years. His first business venture was in the employ of the late J. M. Heidt, whose drug store was located on the corner of Whitaker and Congress streets. He remained with that gentleman for six years and following that connection took charge of the drug business of J. H. Polhill on Abercorn street. He remained with Mr. Polhill until 1876, and was in this association at the time of the yellow fever scourge which swept over Savannah in that year. It is characteristic that he remained at his post throughout that trying period.
Mr. Shuptrine went into business for himself in 1877, his store being located a few doors below the present location of the Shuptrine Company. He moved into his present commodious quarters on Congress street about fifteen years ago and in the year 1906 the business was incorporated. Mr. Shuptrine was particularly successful in his business ventures. Scrupulously conscientious in his dealings, kind and considerate in his private life, he won the admiration and respect of all with whom he came in contact. He was at one time president of the Georgia Pharmaceutical Association and for many years acted as its treasurer.
Mr. Shuptrine laid one of the most important stones in the foundation of his success by his marriage on February 17, 1876, to Miss Sarah Newton. Their happy union was blessed by the birth of the following children: Mrs. Walter B. Stillwell, Mrs. F. B. Johnston, and Herman C. Shuptrine. He also had five grandchildren. He was essentially domestic in nature, finding his greatest pleasure about his own fireside. His home at 308 Bolton street, West, was known as one of the hospitable abodes of a city where hospitality has become a highly cultivated virtue. Mr. Shuptrine was a member of Landrum Lodge of Masons and exemplified in his own life the ideals of moral and social justice and brotherly love for which the order stands. The Masonic body held the last ceremonial rites and consigned all that was mortal of him to the grave. He had for many years been a member of the First Baptist church and was a member of the board of deacons at the time of his passing to the Great Beyond. It has been said of him that he was recognized all over the state as a man of shrewd business sagacity, as well as an accomplished druggist. He was distinguished for unusual physical activity, and success was pretty sure to crown his undertakings. He was interested in all that pertained to the unity and advancement of his profession and retained his office of treasurer in the Georgia Pharmaceutical Association until the June before his death, when he was forced to retire on account of declining health. He was active in the local association of druggists up to a few years ago. The memory and influence of this gentleman will not soon be "lost in the community which so profited by his good citizenship.